The next rollercoaster’s name is very accurate, at least if you suffer from a heart disease, since after riding it you’ll probably need to take some nitroglycerin pills to stay alive :D! When built in 2001, Nitro was the east coast’s tallest and fastest rollercoaster until Kingda Ka was built four years later. Nitro climbs up to 230 feet and then plummets 215 feet in a 66 degree angle gaining a speed of 80 miles per hour, wow!
And that’s not all. Unlike Kingda Ka, Nitro isn’t a short ride with just a couple of drops, but instead a full blown rollercoaster with a length of almost 5400 feet and ride time of more than two minutes. Because it doesn’t have any inversions, Nitro can use simpler lap restraints to make the ride even more intense when dealing with up to 4 G’s of down force. An on-ride photo is taken at the bottom of the first drop, and on a clear night the skyline of Philadelphia can be seen from a few tall points even though it’s 50 miles away. The stars of the first embedded video must be somehow related to MatoApina, since they make noise just like us on the second one :D!

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