Next up is the Great American Scream Machine (GASM for short), which is a steel corkscrew rollercoaster built in 1989. When it opened it was the world’s tallest rollercoaster for a whole month. GASM rises up to 173 feet and drops down 155 feet reaching a top speed of 68 miles per hour. The ride length is 3800 feet and ride time 2:20 so one could consider it a larger, faster and more complex version of the Korkkiruuvi (Finnish for corkscrew) rollercoaster in Särkänniemi amusement park in Finland. In addition to the two corkscrews found on Korkkiruuvi, GASM has three vertical loops and one batwing a.k.a. boomerang double loop (the opposite of a cobra roll) making the total number of inversion seven, which is the same as with Medusa.
GASM’s track and trains are of course colored to match the American flag, and the trains are named accordingly: Freedom, Liberty and Spirit. Even without such patriotism I’m sure I will be engulfed in a spirit of great Americanism :D, since no rollercoaster in Finland comes even close to what GASM has to offer :(. All the more reason to be exited about our upcoming trip and all the more memorable it’s going be =)! Perhaps even an orGASMic experience, LOL!