I’ve been meaning to do this ever since I started this blog. That is to blog sneak peaks of my upcoming videos. Since it’s been so long, I’ve got snapshots from seven projects and info about a total of thirteen. First up is the one which is probably my most anticipated video ever.
Need for Speed Most Wanted: Stupid Cops 2 Project
This is actually two projects or possibly even three, since I’m going to make a trailer and possibly leave out about half of the whole length to make Stupid Cops 3. First a few words about the trailer. It’s going to be a sort of remake of the introduction video from the post-nuclear role playing game called Fallout 2. You might have noticed that already on my Trailershow video, which featured a teaser of Stupid Cops 2. The full length trailer will be full of images made with Adobe Photoshop (like the picture below) to mimic the Fallout 2 intro and of course some video footage from the finished product.

Multiple RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Projects
Since trying a recording program called HyperCam, I’ve had the urge to post videos from videogames that I haven’t been able to record before, such as RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. Over the years I’ve spent countless hours, days and weeks playing this wonderful game building massive amusement parks with tons of custom built rollercoasters, and am going to share those creations with the world in the near future. I’m planning to release videos from a total of seven different parks, and at least five of them are going to have their own video(s) because they have so many cool rollercoasters. Each rollercoaster will be accompanied by it’s own song which somewhat matches the name and theme of the ride. For instance a ride called “The Virgin Prostitute” will feature the song “Three Point One Four (Vagina)” by the Bloodhound Gang :D! To accompany the song every rollercoaster will have a title picture related to the ride’s theme (1st and 2nd picture below) and the ride's vital stats listed (3rd picture below). I’ve recorded almost all material for one scenario (Ghost Town), and finished about four ninths of the video, which will have to be divided into two parts since it will be close to 20 minutes long.

OMF 2097: Secret Characters of the Secret Master's Tourney (Part 3) Project
This one was also featured on my Trailershow video. Since then, I’ve managed to record all the material needed and just have to edit them together. But that’s not going to be as easy as on the first and second videos of the series, since this one will have replays, commentary (picture below), reverse angles, zooming in and slow motion. And even one fight where I lose, but am able to get a rematch due to a technicality :o! Stay tuned to find out…

Tomb Raider Matrix Project
The title is just a working title for this project, which will be from the Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Anniversary videogame and will feature music from The Matrix. I don’t want to give away too much, but the grand idea is Lara doing all kinds of neat matrix-like stuff (like acrobatics, adrenaline shots etc. – picture below) while music from The Matrix plays in the background. I have tons of raw material recorded, but haven’t started yet since I have plenty of other projects under construction.

Gun Project
For this one I haven’t even figured out a working title, but it's going to be a video about the western videogame called simply “Gun”. Again I have tons of raw video material ready, but haven’t started editing, since I have yet to figure out what the grand idea will be. It’ll probably feature some cool quickdraw kills (picture below) and I have a few western style songs in mind for the music.

Prey Project
From the videogame with the same name (Prey), again no working title yet, but I do have some raw material available. There’s no grand idea yet for this one either and not even any particular song chosen, but the video will probably feature a lot of messing around with gravity, portals and other weird and cool stuff which this very cool game is littered with (picture below).

Prince of Persia – Bad Case of Loving You Project
This one is my newest idea, and as the working title suggests, the music is going to be “Bad Case of Loving You” by Robert Palmer (my newest favorite btw). No video material exists yet, but I’m planning on recording stuff from all three wonderful Prince of Persia Sands of Time series' games. Since I’ve got no material, there’s no snapshot, but instead “Bad Case of Loving You” by Robert Palmer embedded below.
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic and F.E.A.R. Projects
These are two totally separate projects about Dark Messiah of Might & Magic and F.E.A.R., but they are at such similar stages that I decided to list them in one paragraph. For both I have some raw material, no particular music and a vague grand idea. The idea for Dark Messiah is a 300 style video with lots of kicking, since I just love to kick goblins, orcs and such into fires, traps and other stuff :D! But I’m still torn on whether to make it a serious vid or a funny one, but am leaning towards the latter, since then I would be able to use some funny glitch video material I have. The vague idea for F.E.A.R. is also a glitch vid (picture below), but that’s the only idea I’ve got (apart from cool slow-mo shooting and stuff) so that one’s future isn’t looking too bright.

Fahrenheit Boxing Project
This one is going to feature a cutscene from Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy where two of the main characters square off in a friendly boxing match (picture below). The idea is to use the games original music and just add some funny comments. All the material is ready but I haven’t started editing anything yet so this one will have to wait for other projects to be finished. Although I'm not really that sure I can make it funny enough for my own standard of publishing. Time will tell...

Untitled Classic Game Project
This one is about a rare classic strategy game from the 90’s, but I don’t want to give away the name of the game yet. This is another game that I couldn’t record until I discovered HyperCam. The video is probably going to be quite basic by just demonstrating what the game is all about and showcase the various things that can happen each turn when playing single or multiplayer. Even though this game doesn’t require MS-DOS to run, I’m going to post an informative picture about it below :D!

Terminator Project
This is the only Project that isn’t videogame related. I got the idea quite a while ago and have the perfect music in mind, but have no raw material whatsoever, since acquiring that material involves using my digital camera, total darkness and various electronic devices. And the most significant one of those devices (a car actually) was sold some time ago so this project might be doomed. The cool picture below is something that I just googled and am considering as my new desktop background :D!
So there you have it: Lots of info about my upcoming releases and some pics too. I hope this takes some of the waiting anxiety away at least for a while :D! But remember that nothing described here is an absolute promise, except the thing that I said about Stupid Cops 2, and the fact that I will definitely complete the first four projects described in this post, unless I suddenly fall terminally ill or something like that *knocks on wood* :D!

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