Hello hello! Today I decided to start a new blog in English, contrary to my
Finnish blog. This one will differ in content too, because I’m dedicating this blog to all kinds of
YouTube related stuff. I’m going to blog things like videos I’ve posted, new video posts, sneak peaks and/or trailers of my upcoming videos, new ideas for my videos, new and old favorites which I want to share etc. My pace probably isn’t going to be daily, weekly, or maybe even monthly, because I’ve just started studying computer science at
Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia and also tend to my Finnish blog from time to time, so making new videos will be slow... just bare with me. Most of my videos
(picture below) take a lot of work so don’t expect to see a new video right after I’ve announced a new idea or released some sneak peaks or a trailer.
My 20 most viewed videos, of which eleven are self made.To kick things off I’m going to blog about a new favorite video related to purchasing computer hardware, but first take note on the poll located below my profile on the right. It’s about my newest video
The Chronicles of Riddick: Darkness... You Afraid?, which is embedded below along with it’s description. Below the poll, which I aim to change at least monthly, are among others links to my YouTube
playlists, and
my FileFront page where you can easily download many of my videos in high quality. Continuing downward, you’ll see my blog archive, from where you can easily jump to any post. As time passes I will probably also construct some kind of appendixes to furthermore make finding stuff easier. Next is the label list. Clicking on one of the labels will bring up all posts labeled with that label, in chronological order. Below the label list I might add some new features from time to time.
Well, that’s all for now. Hope you enjoy my YouTube blog and videos. Feel free to comment on my posts and videos here (by clicking the
0 comment(s) link below each post) and/or at Youtube. Hopefully I’ll see you there =)!